CGA Academy

Education is one of the greatest levelers in today's society. Knowledge can help a person out of poverty, can help a person find help in a crisis, can help a person learn new skills that can bring new joy to his or her life, or can just help a person to learn something that he or she has always wanted to know how to do.

Here at the CGA, we have a wide range of classes for various types of interests. Many can help you learn new skills to help you find a new career or advance in your present career. Others can help you learn about life skills such as filling out a resume, how to act in a job interview, how to balance a checkbook, how to obtain credit, or get your first home or car.

Check out the classes below and then go below the pictures and fill out the form for the class(es) for which you are interested.

Please note: The banners below the student registration are to help you find the section you seek. The pictures show you the pre-requisites for classes that have them. If they don't mention one, they don't have one. You can also look at the class in the sign up form; if it has an asterisk (*), then it has a prerequisite and you need to go down to the pictures below the registration form to find out what it (or they) is (or are if there are more than one). You must complete prerequisites before selecting classes that have them or you will be rejected for the class, so please be careful when signing up.

Let us know if there is anything else with which we can assist you.

The following 4 Classes are stand alone classes; however, you must sign up for each as there is a limited availability; you must have a valid library card, and you must be able to travel to the Jeffersonville Public Library for the classes.

Advanced Anger Management and Advanced Stress Management (the two shown below) Can Only Be Taken After Successful Completion of This Course!